16 September, 2010

Royal Blue!!

Where to start then...
Basically, when I started this project I was really excited, then the holiday's started and it was forgotten about.
But when I did start thinking about the approach I was going to take I was going to use Queen Victoria as my main basis, but as I started research I just lost interest and began to loathe the project, so I took a break from the work.
My basic research was just English monarch's, 

So I started as far back as I could find, which was around the Saxon and Viking era.

And my research continued in that form

Then I thought I'd look at European monarch's and was then going to focus on Queen Isabella II of Spain, but I lost Interest again, and I didn't think I would get it back, i was think that I needed someone That I could do something with, someone who isn't boring. So I decided to use Princess Grace/Grace Kelly, And I haven't lost interest since, My Inspiration's for her come gradually as I read through her biography and watched some of the movies she starred in around the 1950's.

Then I thought it would be wise to look at the type of dresses and corset's worn in the 50's and I'm hooked!

My research since this point has been more about reading her book, so that I have really good knowledge on her and her life in depth.

I have managed to get some blue sample's that I liked and will be experimenting in the future with them and the colour's

I'm glad I started the project when I did and went through the process I have been through to got to the point I am at, otherwise I think I would have been focusing on someone that didn't 'pull me in'. I have to be interested in something for me to work well, and now I am!

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